Lost Worlds (Demos)

by adult boy wonder

the third wellwishers feature of adult boy wonder

So my initial confession is I don’t particularly like recording. I find it to be a slow and frustrating process and one that reminds me constantly of my overly critical ear and penchant for impossible perfection. I don’t view myself as a technically proficient guitar player or singer and I think that is more than evident in these recordings. That being said, I have fallen in love with these songs and for the first time in my life had a true blast recording these simple demos. I think that’s very special and wanted to share that with anyone who’ll listen to that joy of music nestled amongst these predominantly grim tunes. I have plans to someday complete full band arrangements of these songs but I didn’t want them just kicking around privately in my head until then. I feel their foundation is solid and someday they will blossom into something I’m immensely proud of. Until then, enjoy if you can and please excuse the pitchy vocals (I’m getting better).


mr. day off


WWIMF (Late Night Cover)